![]() ![]() Bast and Cana were childhood friends in church activities. They had been friend since 10 years old. It was back then when Cana still a little girl and she felt a heart-throbbing feeling inside her heart. Born as a girl, Cana knows that it's love.
Bast were a usual boy, with his own mind flowing over him, and make him almost unconscious in girl's feeling, and somehow also about his feeling too, were always so excited when he met Cana.. To tease her. Well.. Kids do their fun, you can say. Bast and Cana were such a close friend that time. It was until Cana got to the 7th grade that she had some problem in her school days, that she can't meet Bast as often as she usually do. When she at least can get back to her church activity, Bast had already grown up to 170 cm, it was at that time almost 20 cm taller than her. She was so shocked she just stand there and still when Bast greet her. She was shocked, but also adore his new look. He looks so cool, Cana thinks. But when Bast then goes away, Cana feels a bit lonely, as she usually got teased and joked around by Bast. Bast, back then, was too shy when he sees Cana. After more then a year, Cana had come at least. He had always feel a little lonely when Cana not around. He love to tease her, even he doesn't knows why, and there's no other girl who's as enjoyable to tease as her. But when he try to greet her, he can't talk so easy. So he decided to left.. which makes Cana feels so lonely. Since then, Bast aren't as often as before teasing Cana, which makes her asking, what happen to Bast? Even if he's only around to tease her, Cana still feel so Happy, but now that Bast act so cool, she feels so lonely.. And after that.. Cana gotta go into high school, and so do Bast.. When they meet at church, they talked about their chosen school.. Cana wants to go to F high School.. And how happy she is when she heard that Bast also gonna go to there too! Even if it's his 2nd choice, but there's still possibilities that Cana can go to the same school as him.. At last! But destiny talk the other.. Bast got into C High School, and even Cana had told Bast that he got accepted at F High School, which is better than C High School, Bast doesn't want to go in there.. Which makes Cana sad.. Bast was hoping to going to F High School, as there will be Cana in there. At least, he got some friend that he can enjoy spend his time with, so he thinks. But when he got accepted at C High School, his parents were so excited they paid all the expenses right away. Bast can't do anything since F High School still doesn't broadcasting their results. When Bast knows that F High School accepted him, he ask his parent to take him to school there. But alas, his parent rejected. They say that F High School is too far away, and yet C High School expenses are already paid, and there's no extra expenses to spend to get him to F High School. Bast doesn't know, why he was trying so hard to get there.. All he knows is that he doesn't like his High School that much now, knowing that he almost get to F High School, but failed to enter just because the expenses. The last time they got into church's camp, Bast are gossiped to had a relationship with Dee, a girl whose 1 year older than him, and so close to him, and goes to the same High School with him. Cana were so shocked, and feels rejected, lonely, and so sad she can't even shed a tear. When Cana at least, got her gut to ask, Bast only said no, but with a smile. It was so awkward, Cana dare not to ask him anymore, as she was so sure Bast was only teasing her again, and not paying any attention about her feeling. Bast, at that time, was gossiped with his friend Dee, but he feels nothing towards Dee, as she was none of Bast's taste. But he doesn't try to do anything to clear up those sayings behind, so his friends thinks that that is true, as Dee often seen seeing Bast with a lovey-dovey look. That was, for Cana, the last that she wants to see Bast's face. She was so disappointed and angry, she got her feeling locked and get her gift from the trip - a dried flower - kept in her locket, and never see it again. 3 Years later... Cana will going to College!! She was so happy. And she meets a new friend, Sei, at her Catholic activity, which goes to the same school as Bast. When she ask whether he knows Bast or not, Sei said that he's a friend of Bast, and tell her to join the next time Sei going out with his friends, so she can meet Bast, Cana was curious so she said yes. There, she meet Bast again at last. But what she saw almost makes her cries. There was Bast, smokes, with appearance like a scumbag, and when he sees her, he just say, "hei" and got in his own world, again. Not paying any attention to Cana at all. Hurt inside, Cana tries to talk to other people, also not paying any attention to Bast. There, she meet Edric, some funny guy who always makes Cana laughs, and honest to his feelings. At least that's what Cana had the impression. Cana fell for him, and get closer to him. From him, he got the information that Bast, whom she knows, were all gone now. Bast had been a jerk now. How disappointed Cana was at that time! Time passes by, Edric turns out not serious to Cana, and Cana, broken-heartedly cries, and Bast, who knows it, try to makes Cana feels at ease. He thinks, "maybe this time.. I can be her strength, and I won't lose her again.." But once again, destiny talks the other. Cana still cannot forget about what kind of guy Bast had been, and decided to move on at least, not think about Bast, and try to find a new love, try to forget that she, once, had the dream about growing old together with Bast.. 2 years later.. Cana fell in love with Shawn, a smart-rich guy who Bast can't even compared to, for the outside. And she got so totally in love that she ignored Bast completely. It went out smoothly at last, but it turns out that Shawn, is a pervert maniac who only loves Cana to be her slave, lucky for her she realize it before it's too late, with a heart that still deeply in love, she cuts down her bond with Shawn. Deeply cut, traumatized, Cana became such a lovely girl outside, a totally broken girl inside. She's broken that she tried to suicide, but failed, and nobody knows about it. It was 6 months after Cana broke up, she read that her ex, Shawn, had Cana's bestfriend as his girlfriend. It brokes Cana's heart completely that she cried for sure. Nobody even Cana know why, but she text-ed Bast, asking him to come. Bast, seeing her text, hurries to Cana's home, only to find her crying continues. When Cana tell him about her ex, he got so mad he can't say a word. He can't think about someone who can so cold-heartedly using girl as a slave like that, when Cana had loved him like that. At that time, when Cana asked her to be her runaway, Bast said yes. Turns out, all the bad things about Bast were only in the mouth. He may had smoke, but he now quit. And this time, Bast doesn't want to let Cana goes again from his life. At least, after 10 years of waiting, Cana heard the sweetest word from Bast : "Will you be my girlfriend?" Labels: love, story, sweet, The Aria of Bast and Cana 6:12 PM | |