Well well, today I just realized I still saving my notes from the photocopy area, don't knowing what to do with it. But I still remember, I save that for future use, I was intending to make some journal of my income and outcome. What a waste of time.. lol..
That, I was realize, was what make me think about this topic. Do we really need what we think we need today? For example, I really need to get a good score when I took my AI Class. I try every chance I can get so I can get a good grade. But then, I got C only. I was disappointed back then. But now? I don't mind it at all. It just, what I have got until now, if it pass, then it is. I'm not complaining, nor think about the grade after a semester or two. And that works for my high school.
It just.. Do we really need to sacrifice things, so that what we think more 'important' can achieved? Do we really need to sacrificing our friend, just so we can get a good grade? Must we befriend only those who smart and diligent? Nobody knows what the future holds, so why with those premonition and all?
My lil sister once stressed out, she wants to be a bitch just so she can have a good grade. I wonder, none of us, neither me or her mom (well, not sure) teach her to have that kind of garbage idea on her head, so where did she get those? I suppose bitches can turn good people into other biatch.. how monstrous.. -.-
All I want to say is, usually, today's treasure is tomorrow's trash. What we think was so precious today, maybe turns to be a stinky, smelly, yucky junk that we have to throw it faraway just so we're not sick. How awful. Think about your life twice, and think about your future. Does future really need GPA? Does your job ask you "Are you the smartest student on earth?" I don't think so. Maybe, just maybe, they'll ask you if they're not confident enough in you. It's not the matter of GPA, it's the matter of your smartness? Maybe?