Horror Movie

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Echoing my lil sis baka-chan's blog, I will review some of the horror movies I've watch.. I usually prefer Cartoon  or Comedy  , but horror  is also on my top three genre I like to watch. ( I HATE gore  movies, like saw, hostel.. ewww gross!) So.. This were my reviews.. From the one I've watched with her, or the ones without.. lol! 1. Ju-On 2  Agreed with baka-chan, this movie was.. Not good~! It's horrible, with only the creepy sounds. There is some good act, but overall, I'll give this movie 1 star rating. Horrible! 2. Muoi  Arrr.. I can't understand what this movie about. Sure sure, it's about the curse of a girl.. but still.. I can't understand why the main cast have to be a jerk.. and why the ending was so unclear? 2 stars rated.. 3.Arang  This movie is not a real horror, in my case. It's about some detective movie genre. But nevertheless, it's kind of thrilling and fun to see. 3 Stars rated. 4.4Bia  This was AWESOME.. 4stars rated. I kinda hate the last chapter, and I LOVE the 3rd.. but what makes me so scared was the first.. It's so creepy because it's natural.. Love this! 5 stars rated! 5. Coming soon  Rather odd, but still good.. This movie I would watch twice (which I had done, thanks to my big sis, and gonna be thrice, thanks to baka-chan) this movie had the twisted mindset, and I appreciate it so. 4 stars rated. 6. Rosemary's Baby  I don't know what makes this trash the "scariest movie of all year". But one thing for sure, this movie is a crap. No horror, more like drama. Surely enough, the starting and ending song creepy enough to makes the situation got creepy. But that's all. 0 stars rated. Labels: horror, movie, review, story
11:11 PM |
Love between friends
Q: What do you think about friend who like their friend?A: I think that's their way to show that they care. I don't prohibit that, but not encourage it also.Q: Do you think that's normal?A: Well yes. My lil sister told me that love between friends can actually grows up naturally, and that's because the time you've spent with them can make it happen, and of course, the chemistry. But alas, that's just a mere passion and emotion, they just grow to be real on movies. In the real life - meh! Better to keep it friends.Q: Why is that?A: Lovers come and go while friends keep forever. You can broke your relationship with your boyfriend and broke your friendship, but while you're in the friend-term, you'll find him there forever. Just keep in mind that he's not that belong to you too when he's got his girl.Q: Hmm must be hard?A: Nope. Not at all. When you set your priority to mind, you can realize that's not only love is needed to have a good, healthy relationship.Q: Any bad experience?A: yap, and I had enuff.. now I'm enjoying my moment, alone but not-so-alone with my friends, and of course my lil sis.. It made me happier than when with my last ex..Q: So, what do you think about love between friends?A : It's normal, but don't tend it too good.Labels: friend, love, QA
10:42 PM |

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Maybe the most ingenious invention at all time was the tire. Or if I may say, the circle. Why? It's the invention that represent our life. Cycle. Never flat. Just like me. Life was never flat for me. Like now. When I'm still at high school, boys was never a problem for me. I never lose them, they who lose me. And now? Sounds very pitiful, but yea, I lost my last boyfriend to some bit*h outside, I can't get a hold of him.. Just to make it worse, I lost almost all of my friends too. Lol. And now, I'm an (almost) adult who still kid at heart, I can't cope with my "old" age, and I feel so pitiful.. Pathetic, I know. But what can I do? I'm struggling now to get my friends back. and my trauma, my deepest fear, that is alone, is standing just behind me, ready to eat me when I'm unguarded. Like my lil sister. She's not the prettiest, or the most popular girl when she's at high school. Send her to other country, and voila! She become so pretty and fashionable no wonder if she's popular, while I'm here, makes no difference from my high-school age, and rot like an old couch gag. Seeing my lil sis and my best-boy-friend, getting nearer to IAR status while I'm here getting further, makes me feels jealous, but happy at the same time.. Will I ever find a guy who will never cheat on me? Will I found someone who will understand me? I usually sees the glass is half-full.. But now, just now.. I feel my glass is half-empty.. Labels: sad, story
6:58 PM |
New genre!
Well, ok, I admit it wasn't so "New" genre.. I bet pretty much people had made their blog in this "New" genre, but at last, this is new.. in my blog! lol! No protesting, uh?  ? Well.. The new genre is "Story-telling' Give me a clap now.  .. Yah, that's all for the announcement now.. jaa~ Labels: announcement
6:40 PM |
Never Say Never

Monday, May 17, 2010
Q: Hi. What took you so long all this time?A: Sorry. Been busy and all and all and all..Q: Well.. How's life today?A: Not too good.. 4shared had been blocked from my campus.. That's sucks!Q: Wow, that really is.. Anything good?A: Well.. I almost got my ideal weight.. *giggles* hopefully I will get it to the one I want.. lol..Q: Hmm.. Ever had a bad experience with people?A: Almost never.. But there's two person in this world that's have no heart.. She had writes some inappropriate blog and tags my name in it.. *sigh* and the other one, no better than her, is her sister.. what a wicked two sisters..Q: Ouch.. That's annoying!A: I know.. I never want to quarrel.. but with them I think there's no end of that.. So the best way is to ignore them..Q: Any wise word today? :DA: Woah, so fast.. Hmm.. Dunno.. seems kinda blank..Labels: common, QA
6:36 PM |

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Q: Why do you look so gloomy these days?A: I've reminded of my ex..Q: Really?? Then why are you sad? Do you still love him?A: Of course I do.. But still..Q: Then why did you break up with him?A: Cause I can't stand it!! He's a jerk! Even when he's still with me, he had seduced so many girls..Q: What? Well then, he deserves it, no?A: I dunno.. I still want to hold him close, but I know if I do that, I'll die of rage.. When I'm still with him, I spend everyday in a bad mood, in jealousy, and feels unable to do anything..Q: Hey.. Don't be sad.. Why are you still thinking about him then??A: I dunno.. It's just hurt.. and it's hurter to think, I lost my friend because of him..Q: Well.. Good riddance, at least.. Why don't you try to find someone else?A: I can't trust no people this time..Q: Well.. Cheer up, I'm sure you'll find someone else someday..A: Thanks..Labels: QA, sad
6:47 PM |
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Horror Movie

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Echoing my lil sis baka-chan's blog, I will review some of the horror movies I've watch.. I usually prefer Cartoon  or Comedy  , but horror  is also on my top three genre I like to watch. ( I HATE gore  movies, like saw, hostel.. ewww gross!) So.. This were my reviews.. From the one I've watched with her, or the ones without.. lol! 1. Ju-On 2  Agreed with baka-chan, this movie was.. Not good~! It's horrible, with only the creepy sounds. There is some good act, but overall, I'll give this movie 1 star rating. Horrible! 2. Muoi  Arrr.. I can't understand what this movie about. Sure sure, it's about the curse of a girl.. but still.. I can't understand why the main cast have to be a jerk.. and why the ending was so unclear? 2 stars rated.. 3.Arang  This movie is not a real horror, in my case. It's about some detective movie genre. But nevertheless, it's kind of thrilling and fun to see. 3 Stars rated. 4.4Bia  This was AWESOME.. 4stars rated. I kinda hate the last chapter, and I LOVE the 3rd.. but what makes me so scared was the first.. It's so creepy because it's natural.. Love this! 5 stars rated! 5. Coming soon  Rather odd, but still good.. This movie I would watch twice (which I had done, thanks to my big sis, and gonna be thrice, thanks to baka-chan) this movie had the twisted mindset, and I appreciate it so. 4 stars rated. 6. Rosemary's Baby  I don't know what makes this trash the "scariest movie of all year". But one thing for sure, this movie is a crap. No horror, more like drama. Surely enough, the starting and ending song creepy enough to makes the situation got creepy. But that's all. 0 stars rated. Labels: horror, movie, review, story
Love between friends
Q: What do you think about friend who like their friend?A: I think that's their way to show that they care. I don't prohibit that, but not encourage it also.Q: Do you think that's normal?A: Well yes. My lil sister told me that love between friends can actually grows up naturally, and that's because the time you've spent with them can make it happen, and of course, the chemistry. But alas, that's just a mere passion and emotion, they just grow to be real on movies. In the real life - meh! Better to keep it friends.Q: Why is that?A: Lovers come and go while friends keep forever. You can broke your relationship with your boyfriend and broke your friendship, but while you're in the friend-term, you'll find him there forever. Just keep in mind that he's not that belong to you too when he's got his girl.Q: Hmm must be hard?A: Nope. Not at all. When you set your priority to mind, you can realize that's not only love is needed to have a good, healthy relationship.Q: Any bad experience?A: yap, and I had enuff.. now I'm enjoying my moment, alone but not-so-alone with my friends, and of course my lil sis.. It made me happier than when with my last ex..Q: So, what do you think about love between friends?A : It's normal, but don't tend it too good.Labels: friend, love, QA

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Maybe the most ingenious invention at all time was the tire. Or if I may say, the circle. Why? It's the invention that represent our life. Cycle. Never flat. Just like me. Life was never flat for me. Like now. When I'm still at high school, boys was never a problem for me. I never lose them, they who lose me. And now? Sounds very pitiful, but yea, I lost my last boyfriend to some bit*h outside, I can't get a hold of him.. Just to make it worse, I lost almost all of my friends too. Lol. And now, I'm an (almost) adult who still kid at heart, I can't cope with my "old" age, and I feel so pitiful.. Pathetic, I know. But what can I do? I'm struggling now to get my friends back. and my trauma, my deepest fear, that is alone, is standing just behind me, ready to eat me when I'm unguarded. Like my lil sister. She's not the prettiest, or the most popular girl when she's at high school. Send her to other country, and voila! She become so pretty and fashionable no wonder if she's popular, while I'm here, makes no difference from my high-school age, and rot like an old couch gag. Seeing my lil sis and my best-boy-friend, getting nearer to IAR status while I'm here getting further, makes me feels jealous, but happy at the same time.. Will I ever find a guy who will never cheat on me? Will I found someone who will understand me? I usually sees the glass is half-full.. But now, just now.. I feel my glass is half-empty.. Labels: sad, story
New genre!
Well, ok, I admit it wasn't so "New" genre.. I bet pretty much people had made their blog in this "New" genre, but at last, this is new.. in my blog! lol! No protesting, uh?  ? Well.. The new genre is "Story-telling' Give me a clap now.  .. Yah, that's all for the announcement now.. jaa~ Labels: announcement
Never Say Never

Monday, May 17, 2010
Q: Hi. What took you so long all this time?A: Sorry. Been busy and all and all and all..Q: Well.. How's life today?A: Not too good.. 4shared had been blocked from my campus.. That's sucks!Q: Wow, that really is.. Anything good?A: Well.. I almost got my ideal weight.. *giggles* hopefully I will get it to the one I want.. lol..Q: Hmm.. Ever had a bad experience with people?A: Almost never.. But there's two person in this world that's have no heart.. She had writes some inappropriate blog and tags my name in it.. *sigh* and the other one, no better than her, is her sister.. what a wicked two sisters..Q: Ouch.. That's annoying!A: I know.. I never want to quarrel.. but with them I think there's no end of that.. So the best way is to ignore them..Q: Any wise word today? :DA: Woah, so fast.. Hmm.. Dunno.. seems kinda blank..Labels: common, QA

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Q: Why do you look so gloomy these days?A: I've reminded of my ex..Q: Really?? Then why are you sad? Do you still love him?A: Of course I do.. But still..Q: Then why did you break up with him?A: Cause I can't stand it!! He's a jerk! Even when he's still with me, he had seduced so many girls..Q: What? Well then, he deserves it, no?A: I dunno.. I still want to hold him close, but I know if I do that, I'll die of rage.. When I'm still with him, I spend everyday in a bad mood, in jealousy, and feels unable to do anything..Q: Hey.. Don't be sad.. Why are you still thinking about him then??A: I dunno.. It's just hurt.. and it's hurter to think, I lost my friend because of him..Q: Well.. Good riddance, at least.. Why don't you try to find someone else?A: I can't trust no people this time..Q: Well.. Cheer up, I'm sure you'll find someone else someday..A: Thanks..Labels: QA, sad