All in the right time

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
When I was still a child, I was utterly sure that the cop is just a selfish, stupid moron who can only corrupt with the name of 'peace.. what a crap! But.. As I grew older.. I begin to see what kind of trash that the real cop supposed to eliminate.. People who can't drive but drove with no rule, they can make a real disaster. People who are kidnapping children and girls, people who killed each other... Cops get them. Real cops, tough.. As I grew older, I also seeing things from different point of view.. I know now why my mother always told me that almost all boys are just a jerk with their brain in the down-side.. I was told by some of my 'mole' that a few of my friends are going to some harem-like place to get some massage... and more.. That disgusts me to my core. What's their point of doing that? Call me strict or anything. I don't mind if you're doing t with your bf/gf... I don't give a damn.. But to do it with some bit*hes? It's outta the question, sorry... Well, I think that when you had grown up.. Your mind become more and more complicated... It's sucks, but it's the way life goes on.. No way you can deny it.. Except if you want to be childish all the time, which it sucks more than not... Labels: story
6:20 PM |
We're Back!!

Friday, June 11, 2010
Q: Whoa! We're back! How long has it been since the last time we're here? :D A: Well.. Dunno also, lol.. I think it must been some time.. :D Q: What are your business lately that keep you from blogging, then? A: There's a lot to do, and a lot to think.. Camp are near, Bro's wedding, Final Exam.. Wow.. And there's my lil sis, waiting to be escorted here and there.. *lol!* I think I'm kinda busy this month.. Q: Woah.. Doesn't that makes you tired? A: But that's life! I feel I live my life to the fullest! Yeah! Q: Wow.. That's nice to see you full of life.. A: Yeah, it feels nice.. Although I got some strange feeling after knowing what my friend had become when I wasn't there with them.. I don't know should I feel regret or relief? Q: What happened to your friend? A: Call me sassy or anything, I don't like people smoking.. Even I LOVE to drink.. (Even if I will get a hangover, then so be it). But seeing my friends now smoking, I really doubt if they haven't cross the line.. Q: So what? A: Well.. It's just makes me kinda uneasy.. But then, aren't everybody's changing, like Keane's said? lol.. Labels: QA
1:07 AM |

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Ouch.. Yea right.. Congratulate me for getting my first hangover... Ye ye ye... Got so dizzy all day long..crap.. Well, tell ya, this feels like when you're got the deadline is tomorrow, but the crap are still crap. Got the stress? triple it, and you got half of the hangover.. crap.. And what I drink was only.. Ye, only 1 long island Ice Tea and half the pitcher of Tequila Sunrise... Oh man... My head feels so heavy.. And people says you can fly when you're drunk.. A lie..!! Ouch.. Still dizzy... and what's more.. I had so many job today.. sigh.. Again.. Congratulate me, will ya? Labels: drunk, story
11:10 PM |
Final Exam #2

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Okaaay.. I admit I seldomly doing the FAQ section now.. I'm too lazy to do it.. lol! Today.. I should do something useful than to blogging, I know.. The deadline is coming near.. :( Alas, I like blogging and facebooking more than doing my job.. *well, who doesn't? lol.. Anyway.. I've been thinking about some people of mine.. My friend.. Well I shouldn't have.. but alas, I keep think about my friend.. well.. Hope we can be friend forever..
8:36 PM |
Final Exam..

Monday, June 7, 2010
Final Exam.. The worst nightmare of all lazy student.. Good to hear I just have 4 exams.. the other 3 have no exams.. :D This is my final exam for this semester.. And the subject today, the one I hated the most.. Calculus! Oh how I hate this.. seems like my logic were not as good as they ask.. Crap! Labels: story
7:32 PM |
Blog skin aren't as easy as it looks

Sunday, June 6, 2010
All this time I've been mocking about those "sissy-funny-pinkish" blog-maker.. All of those are girls, which some of them are so young. Yet now, when I tried to make my very own blog skins.. Damn! It's so fugly hard! I tried, but all I got was only a screwed-up blog layout.. what a shame.. =.= I'm using this blog skins right now, all my berstest credit for the one who make it. (Disclaimer on the right side). But still, I want to make my OWN skin! I think I'll use this holiday to learn much MUCH more about web, php, html, javascript, and many, many more. Just pray that I won't explode before I finished it. Really really want to makes my own blog skins. huhuhuhu... Labels: blog, daily, hope, story
7:17 PM |
Welcome to my Blog!
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© wyona 2008

All in the right time

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
When I was still a child, I was utterly sure that the cop is just a selfish, stupid moron who can only corrupt with the name of 'peace.. what a crap! But.. As I grew older.. I begin to see what kind of trash that the real cop supposed to eliminate.. People who can't drive but drove with no rule, they can make a real disaster. People who are kidnapping children and girls, people who killed each other... Cops get them. Real cops, tough.. As I grew older, I also seeing things from different point of view.. I know now why my mother always told me that almost all boys are just a jerk with their brain in the down-side.. I was told by some of my 'mole' that a few of my friends are going to some harem-like place to get some massage... and more.. That disgusts me to my core. What's their point of doing that? Call me strict or anything. I don't mind if you're doing t with your bf/gf... I don't give a damn.. But to do it with some bit*hes? It's outta the question, sorry... Well, I think that when you had grown up.. Your mind become more and more complicated... It's sucks, but it's the way life goes on.. No way you can deny it.. Except if you want to be childish all the time, which it sucks more than not... Labels: story
We're Back!!

Friday, June 11, 2010
Q: Whoa! We're back! How long has it been since the last time we're here? :D A: Well.. Dunno also, lol.. I think it must been some time.. :D Q: What are your business lately that keep you from blogging, then? A: There's a lot to do, and a lot to think.. Camp are near, Bro's wedding, Final Exam.. Wow.. And there's my lil sis, waiting to be escorted here and there.. *lol!* I think I'm kinda busy this month.. Q: Woah.. Doesn't that makes you tired? A: But that's life! I feel I live my life to the fullest! Yeah! Q: Wow.. That's nice to see you full of life.. A: Yeah, it feels nice.. Although I got some strange feeling after knowing what my friend had become when I wasn't there with them.. I don't know should I feel regret or relief? Q: What happened to your friend? A: Call me sassy or anything, I don't like people smoking.. Even I LOVE to drink.. (Even if I will get a hangover, then so be it). But seeing my friends now smoking, I really doubt if they haven't cross the line.. Q: So what? A: Well.. It's just makes me kinda uneasy.. But then, aren't everybody's changing, like Keane's said? lol.. Labels: QA

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Ouch.. Yea right.. Congratulate me for getting my first hangover... Ye ye ye... Got so dizzy all day long..crap.. Well, tell ya, this feels like when you're got the deadline is tomorrow, but the crap are still crap. Got the stress? triple it, and you got half of the hangover.. crap.. And what I drink was only.. Ye, only 1 long island Ice Tea and half the pitcher of Tequila Sunrise... Oh man... My head feels so heavy.. And people says you can fly when you're drunk.. A lie..!! Ouch.. Still dizzy... and what's more.. I had so many job today.. sigh.. Again.. Congratulate me, will ya? Labels: drunk, story
Final Exam #2

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Okaaay.. I admit I seldomly doing the FAQ section now.. I'm too lazy to do it.. lol! Today.. I should do something useful than to blogging, I know.. The deadline is coming near.. :( Alas, I like blogging and facebooking more than doing my job.. *well, who doesn't? lol.. Anyway.. I've been thinking about some people of mine.. My friend.. Well I shouldn't have.. but alas, I keep think about my friend.. well.. Hope we can be friend forever..
Final Exam..

Monday, June 7, 2010
Final Exam.. The worst nightmare of all lazy student.. Good to hear I just have 4 exams.. the other 3 have no exams.. :D This is my final exam for this semester.. And the subject today, the one I hated the most.. Calculus! Oh how I hate this.. seems like my logic were not as good as they ask.. Crap! Labels: story
Blog skin aren't as easy as it looks

Sunday, June 6, 2010
All this time I've been mocking about those "sissy-funny-pinkish" blog-maker.. All of those are girls, which some of them are so young. Yet now, when I tried to make my very own blog skins.. Damn! It's so fugly hard! I tried, but all I got was only a screwed-up blog layout.. what a shame.. =.= I'm using this blog skins right now, all my berstest credit for the one who make it. (Disclaimer on the right side). But still, I want to make my OWN skin! I think I'll use this holiday to learn much MUCH more about web, php, html, javascript, and many, many more. Just pray that I won't explode before I finished it. Really really want to makes my own blog skins. huhuhuhu... Labels: blog, daily, hope, story