
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Q: Why do you look so gloomy these days?A: I've reminded of my ex..Q: Really?? Then why are you sad? Do you still love him?A: Of course I do.. But still..Q: Then why did you break up with him?A: Cause I can't stand it!! He's a jerk! Even when he's still with me, he had seduced so many girls..Q: What? Well then, he deserves it, no?A: I dunno.. I still want to hold him close, but I know if I do that, I'll die of rage.. When I'm still with him, I spend everyday in a bad mood, in jealousy, and feels unable to do anything..Q: Hey.. Don't be sad.. Why are you still thinking about him then??A: I dunno.. It's just hurt.. and it's hurter to think, I lost my friend because of him..Q: Well.. Good riddance, at least.. Why don't you try to find someone else?A: I can't trust no people this time..Q: Well.. Cheer up, I'm sure you'll find someone else someday..A: Thanks..Labels: QA, sad
6:47 PM |
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Thursday, May 6, 2010
Q: Why do you look so gloomy these days?A: I've reminded of my ex..Q: Really?? Then why are you sad? Do you still love him?A: Of course I do.. But still..Q: Then why did you break up with him?A: Cause I can't stand it!! He's a jerk! Even when he's still with me, he had seduced so many girls..Q: What? Well then, he deserves it, no?A: I dunno.. I still want to hold him close, but I know if I do that, I'll die of rage.. When I'm still with him, I spend everyday in a bad mood, in jealousy, and feels unable to do anything..Q: Hey.. Don't be sad.. Why are you still thinking about him then??A: I dunno.. It's just hurt.. and it's hurter to think, I lost my friend because of him..Q: Well.. Good riddance, at least.. Why don't you try to find someone else?A: I can't trust no people this time..Q: Well.. Cheer up, I'm sure you'll find someone else someday..A: Thanks..Labels: QA, sad