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My World, My view
Behind the scene..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Q: Why do you make this blog?A: Because it's seems kinda fun..Q: Aren't you feel strange, or afraid people thinks you are nerd, for making this?A: Why? Let me say this.. Just get a life.. People often criticize creativity in the name of logic while the truth they just got bored and got nothing to do..Q: What are we gonna talks about?A: Anything.. Anything I like.. lol!Q: Okaay.. What are you doing right now?A: Hmm.. I'm doing nothing.. Just got stressed out because of my mid-exams..Q: Whoa.. Why?A: Just.. that.. I had learnt, but alas what I've learnt not gotten out, and I didn't prepared for those that got out..lol!Q: What a pity.. And then what did you do?A: Well.. Just leave my paper almost blank.. And then shout out loud.. "GJ...!!"Q: GJ??A: Ah.. never mind.. Just some mild curses.. lol!Q: And how's your mood today?A: Hmm.. Had been better, but not awful.. Thanks to my friends who cheers me up.. lol..Q: What are you gonna do today?A: Just finishing this blog.. Arranging where and when the Gathering of Surabaya Gurl.Me member will be held, and think how will I go home today before 6 pm.. *sigh*Q: What's your favourite quotation for today?A: "Be a child-like but not childish"Labels: welcome
11:09 PM |
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© wyona 2008

Behind the scene..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Q: Why do you make this blog?A: Because it's seems kinda fun..Q: Aren't you feel strange, or afraid people thinks you are nerd, for making this?A: Why? Let me say this.. Just get a life.. People often criticize creativity in the name of logic while the truth they just got bored and got nothing to do..Q: What are we gonna talks about?A: Anything.. Anything I like.. lol!Q: Okaay.. What are you doing right now?A: Hmm.. I'm doing nothing.. Just got stressed out because of my mid-exams..Q: Whoa.. Why?A: Just.. that.. I had learnt, but alas what I've learnt not gotten out, and I didn't prepared for those that got out..lol!Q: What a pity.. And then what did you do?A: Well.. Just leave my paper almost blank.. And then shout out loud.. "GJ...!!"Q: GJ??A: Ah.. never mind.. Just some mild curses.. lol!Q: And how's your mood today?A: Hmm.. Had been better, but not awful.. Thanks to my friends who cheers me up.. lol..Q: What are you gonna do today?A: Just finishing this blog.. Arranging where and when the Gathering of Surabaya Gurl.Me member will be held, and think how will I go home today before 6 pm.. *sigh*Q: What's your favourite quotation for today?A: "Be a child-like but not childish"Labels: welcome