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Thursday, April 22, 2010
Q: Hi A: Hi too!Q: So, What are we going to ask today? A: Dunno. I just answer.. lol!Q: Hmm.. What food fo you like? A: Anything delicious!!Q: Anything? A: Yep. Absolutely. Anything. That delicious. I won't accept any ridiculous food. My tongue, especially... Q: Really? That must be troublesome.. A: Nope.. My tongue can resists, but the resistance is low.. lol. Luckily there's a lot of delicious food here.
Q: What do you prefer? Savory or sweet?A: Savory! lol.. Dunno, I prefer chips to cakes.. Some says that's boys preferences.. whatever.. Q: How about Sour? or Spicy?A: I love sour! I do like spicy food, but not if it's HOT.. I HATE chili!!! Can't stand it.. >.< Q: Whoa.. Salty-sour flavor then?A: Yap! And that's the perfect taste in Pringles : Sour cream and Onion ^^ Love it soooo much!! Q: Do you prefer home made or Restaurant food?A: Both. Sometimes there's food that too expensive if you make it yourself.. Like for example, Indonesian Martabak.. lol!
Q: What's your favourite restaurant?A: Depends of what I would like to eat that time. Like, when I want Empal (Spiced Fried Beef), I prefer to my friend's restaurant, in Batik Kampar.. When I crave for Gado-Gado, I'll go to Delisia.. When I wants some rice, I'll go to Pepper Lunch.. lol!Q: Aren't you afraid about your body weight?A: More afraid my money bucket.. lol!Q: Favorite snacks?A: a LOT! but for this time, I love the new Chitato flavor.. the green packed one.. It's so yummy! And Pringles : Seaweed.. tastes good! and of course.. NUT!! I'm nut abot nuts!! ;p Q: Aren't you afraid of zit? A: No! I love nut! loll...Q: The food that you love but also hate it? A: Tom Yang Goong!! Argh.. It's so sour.. but also too hot!! Argh.. but I love the seafood.. If there's a chance of non-spicy Tom Yang Goong, please tell me.. lol!Q: Hm... Talking about this things makes my stomach growls..A: Me too. Let's eat! :DLabels: food, QA
9:43 PM |
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Thursday, April 22, 2010
Q: Hi A: Hi too!Q: So, What are we going to ask today? A: Dunno. I just answer.. lol!Q: Hmm.. What food fo you like? A: Anything delicious!!Q: Anything? A: Yep. Absolutely. Anything. That delicious. I won't accept any ridiculous food. My tongue, especially... Q: Really? That must be troublesome.. A: Nope.. My tongue can resists, but the resistance is low.. lol. Luckily there's a lot of delicious food here.
Q: What do you prefer? Savory or sweet?A: Savory! lol.. Dunno, I prefer chips to cakes.. Some says that's boys preferences.. whatever.. Q: How about Sour? or Spicy?A: I love sour! I do like spicy food, but not if it's HOT.. I HATE chili!!! Can't stand it.. >.< Q: Whoa.. Salty-sour flavor then?A: Yap! And that's the perfect taste in Pringles : Sour cream and Onion ^^ Love it soooo much!! Q: Do you prefer home made or Restaurant food?A: Both. Sometimes there's food that too expensive if you make it yourself.. Like for example, Indonesian Martabak.. lol!
Q: What's your favourite restaurant?A: Depends of what I would like to eat that time. Like, when I want Empal (Spiced Fried Beef), I prefer to my friend's restaurant, in Batik Kampar.. When I crave for Gado-Gado, I'll go to Delisia.. When I wants some rice, I'll go to Pepper Lunch.. lol!Q: Aren't you afraid about your body weight?A: More afraid my money bucket.. lol!Q: Favorite snacks?A: a LOT! but for this time, I love the new Chitato flavor.. the green packed one.. It's so yummy! And Pringles : Seaweed.. tastes good! and of course.. NUT!! I'm nut abot nuts!! ;p Q: Aren't you afraid of zit? A: No! I love nut! loll...Q: The food that you love but also hate it? A: Tom Yang Goong!! Argh.. It's so sour.. but also too hot!! Argh.. but I love the seafood.. If there's a chance of non-spicy Tom Yang Goong, please tell me.. lol!Q: Hm... Talking about this things makes my stomach growls..A: Me too. Let's eat! :DLabels: food, QA