Till we met again?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Q: What's wrong?A: Nope. Nothing..Q: You look so sad.. Is there something wrong?A: Well.. My one best friend had been strange. She had talked to me in some way that she does when she mad at me, without knowing the reason.Q: Do you really doesn't know why she's mad at you?A: No I don't. Do you?Q: So do I. Well.. Girls can be like that sometimes, aren't they?A: Well, maybe.. But I still doesn't know.. Maybe I'm just too ignorant? Heaven knows..Q: Don't you have other friends than her?A: Well, I do have a lot of friends.. But she's one of the most precious friends.. It makes me disappointed if she doesn't feel the same way, after all we've done together.Q: How long you had been friends with her?A: Almost 6 years.. And I've told her all about me, shouldn't she know about me already? Why can't accept me just as the way I am?Q: Well.. People can be like that sometime.. How about boy - friend?A: Well.. I do have boy - friend, but no boyfriend at this time.. lol..Q: Which do you prefer? Girl or boy - friend?A: Well.. Girls can be cute and makes you smiles, understanding what you want, what you should wear, how you should act so you can be polite and not like a wh*re, but boys.. They can be more loyal, and they understand you just the way you are, but sometimes the time isn't enough..Q: So? Preference?A: Both. Can't live without my best buddies P&F. They're like PB&J for me. Healthy, never boring, and there's just that much that you can take..lol! and there's been H who helped me out very much when I'm in trouble..But I still remember how my girl-friend Pepe stands beside me when I needed her the most.. That's what makes me sadder..Q: Well.. Any wise words you would like to say? Maybe?A: Well.. There is. "Friends aren't friends until you know their flaw and still took them as a flawless."Labels: friend, QA
9:36 PM |
Is it the rain?

Friday, April 23, 2010
A: Don't you feel it?Q: What?
A: The rain. It isn't as nice as they usually do. Q: Elementalist, eh??
A: Nope. I'm just someone who usually loves the rain, but this kind of rain doesn't makes me feel at peace like I usually do.
Q: What do you mean? A: Say I'm strange, or anything. But usually I feel happy when rain comes..
Q: Well.. That kinda strange, it is.. But I think a lot of people feels like that, no? A: Usually childs feels those kind of feelings.. I don't now whether I've grown up or the rain ISn't as welcoming as they had done before..
Q: How's your feeling then? A: I feel bad.. Especially seeing the traffic jam, makes me feels dizzy..
Q: Well, let's go somewhere warm and cozy then.. A: Okay.. Labels: QA, rain
10:46 PM |

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Q: Hi A: Hi too!Q: So, What are we going to ask today? A: Dunno. I just answer.. lol!Q: Hmm.. What food fo you like? A: Anything delicious!!Q: Anything? A: Yep. Absolutely. Anything. That delicious. I won't accept any ridiculous food. My tongue, especially... Q: Really? That must be troublesome.. A: Nope.. My tongue can resists, but the resistance is low.. lol. Luckily there's a lot of delicious food here.
Q: What do you prefer? Savory or sweet?A: Savory! lol.. Dunno, I prefer chips to cakes.. Some says that's boys preferences.. whatever.. Q: How about Sour? or Spicy?A: I love sour! I do like spicy food, but not if it's HOT.. I HATE chili!!! Can't stand it.. >.< Q: Whoa.. Salty-sour flavor then?A: Yap! And that's the perfect taste in Pringles : Sour cream and Onion ^^ Love it soooo much!! Q: Do you prefer home made or Restaurant food?A: Both. Sometimes there's food that too expensive if you make it yourself.. Like for example, Indonesian Martabak.. lol!
Q: What's your favourite restaurant?A: Depends of what I would like to eat that time. Like, when I want Empal (Spiced Fried Beef), I prefer to my friend's restaurant, in Batik Kampar.. When I crave for Gado-Gado, I'll go to Delisia.. When I wants some rice, I'll go to Pepper Lunch.. lol!Q: Aren't you afraid about your body weight?A: More afraid my money bucket.. lol!Q: Favorite snacks?A: a LOT! but for this time, I love the new Chitato flavor.. the green packed one.. It's so yummy! And Pringles : Seaweed.. tastes good! and of course.. NUT!! I'm nut abot nuts!! ;p Q: Aren't you afraid of zit? A: No! I love nut! loll...Q: The food that you love but also hate it? A: Tom Yang Goong!! Argh.. It's so sour.. but also too hot!! Argh.. but I love the seafood.. If there's a chance of non-spicy Tom Yang Goong, please tell me.. lol!Q: Hm... Talking about this things makes my stomach growls..A: Me too. Let's eat! :DLabels: food, QA
9:43 PM |
Behind the scene..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Q: Why do you make this blog?A: Because it's seems kinda fun..Q: Aren't you feel strange, or afraid people thinks you are nerd, for making this?A: Why? Let me say this.. Just get a life.. People often criticize creativity in the name of logic while the truth they just got bored and got nothing to do..Q: What are we gonna talks about?A: Anything.. Anything I like.. lol!Q: Okaay.. What are you doing right now?A: Hmm.. I'm doing nothing.. Just got stressed out because of my mid-exams..Q: Whoa.. Why?A: Just.. that.. I had learnt, but alas what I've learnt not gotten out, and I didn't prepared for those that got out..lol!Q: What a pity.. And then what did you do?A: Well.. Just leave my paper almost blank.. And then shout out loud.. "GJ...!!"Q: GJ??A: Ah.. never mind.. Just some mild curses.. lol!Q: And how's your mood today?A: Hmm.. Had been better, but not awful.. Thanks to my friends who cheers me up.. lol..Q: What are you gonna do today?A: Just finishing this blog.. Arranging where and when the Gathering of Surabaya Gurl.Me member will be held, and think how will I go home today before 6 pm.. *sigh*Q: What's your favourite quotation for today?A: "Be a child-like but not childish"Labels: welcome
11:09 PM |
Q: What's this?A: This is my blog! What else? lol!Q: And what is this about??A: my life, my stories, my point of view, my preferences? You can say it the 'All-about-me' blog in interview faceQ: Is this a new idea of blogging?A: Dunno, and none of my concern too.. I just say that this is my first blog that like this, and I don't see any other blog like this..Q: How if someone copying your style of blogging(like this)?A: Just tell me where's the link and I'll be proud that I've made someone else's blog to be like mine.. lol!Q: But how if your blog isn't the first like this?A: Doubt that. lol. But if that's the case, knew it that I'm not copying your ideas. It just came out of my mind since yesterday, and I thought it be cool.Q: And what is this first (or second?) post about?A: FAQ, of course! Well, afterall, it's all about Q&A, but we'll set the topic later, won't we? ;)Q: Do you intend to make a trend?A: Nope! I'm just some girl who got tired of standard blogging.. lolQ: Is this your first blog?A: No and Yes. No, this isn't. It's my.. 3rd blog.. lol! And yes, this is my proudly presenting- english subtitling blog.. ROFL..Q: Who are you?A: Let's ask another question, shall we?Q: Are we done yet?A: Yes. For now. And no, we aren't. There's still a loooooooooooooong way ahead.. lol.Labels: welcome
9:15 PM |
My World, My view
Holla! Muchas Gracias! And welcome to Mui blog! Just get ready for the brand-new-way of Blogging.. of me! lol! Labels: announcement, welcome
9:14 PM |
Welcome to my Blog!
Thank you for visiting this blog!!
The navigations
© wyona 2008

Till we met again?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Q: What's wrong?A: Nope. Nothing..Q: You look so sad.. Is there something wrong?A: Well.. My one best friend had been strange. She had talked to me in some way that she does when she mad at me, without knowing the reason.Q: Do you really doesn't know why she's mad at you?A: No I don't. Do you?Q: So do I. Well.. Girls can be like that sometimes, aren't they?A: Well, maybe.. But I still doesn't know.. Maybe I'm just too ignorant? Heaven knows..Q: Don't you have other friends than her?A: Well, I do have a lot of friends.. But she's one of the most precious friends.. It makes me disappointed if she doesn't feel the same way, after all we've done together.Q: How long you had been friends with her?A: Almost 6 years.. And I've told her all about me, shouldn't she know about me already? Why can't accept me just as the way I am?Q: Well.. People can be like that sometime.. How about boy - friend?A: Well.. I do have boy - friend, but no boyfriend at this time.. lol..Q: Which do you prefer? Girl or boy - friend?A: Well.. Girls can be cute and makes you smiles, understanding what you want, what you should wear, how you should act so you can be polite and not like a wh*re, but boys.. They can be more loyal, and they understand you just the way you are, but sometimes the time isn't enough..Q: So? Preference?A: Both. Can't live without my best buddies P&F. They're like PB&J for me. Healthy, never boring, and there's just that much that you can take..lol! and there's been H who helped me out very much when I'm in trouble..But I still remember how my girl-friend Pepe stands beside me when I needed her the most.. That's what makes me sadder..Q: Well.. Any wise words you would like to say? Maybe?A: Well.. There is. "Friends aren't friends until you know their flaw and still took them as a flawless."Labels: friend, QA
Is it the rain?

Friday, April 23, 2010
A: Don't you feel it?Q: What?
A: The rain. It isn't as nice as they usually do. Q: Elementalist, eh??
A: Nope. I'm just someone who usually loves the rain, but this kind of rain doesn't makes me feel at peace like I usually do.
Q: What do you mean? A: Say I'm strange, or anything. But usually I feel happy when rain comes..
Q: Well.. That kinda strange, it is.. But I think a lot of people feels like that, no? A: Usually childs feels those kind of feelings.. I don't now whether I've grown up or the rain ISn't as welcoming as they had done before..
Q: How's your feeling then? A: I feel bad.. Especially seeing the traffic jam, makes me feels dizzy..
Q: Well, let's go somewhere warm and cozy then.. A: Okay.. Labels: QA, rain

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Q: Hi A: Hi too!Q: So, What are we going to ask today? A: Dunno. I just answer.. lol!Q: Hmm.. What food fo you like? A: Anything delicious!!Q: Anything? A: Yep. Absolutely. Anything. That delicious. I won't accept any ridiculous food. My tongue, especially... Q: Really? That must be troublesome.. A: Nope.. My tongue can resists, but the resistance is low.. lol. Luckily there's a lot of delicious food here.
Q: What do you prefer? Savory or sweet?A: Savory! lol.. Dunno, I prefer chips to cakes.. Some says that's boys preferences.. whatever.. Q: How about Sour? or Spicy?A: I love sour! I do like spicy food, but not if it's HOT.. I HATE chili!!! Can't stand it.. >.< Q: Whoa.. Salty-sour flavor then?A: Yap! And that's the perfect taste in Pringles : Sour cream and Onion ^^ Love it soooo much!! Q: Do you prefer home made or Restaurant food?A: Both. Sometimes there's food that too expensive if you make it yourself.. Like for example, Indonesian Martabak.. lol!
Q: What's your favourite restaurant?A: Depends of what I would like to eat that time. Like, when I want Empal (Spiced Fried Beef), I prefer to my friend's restaurant, in Batik Kampar.. When I crave for Gado-Gado, I'll go to Delisia.. When I wants some rice, I'll go to Pepper Lunch.. lol!Q: Aren't you afraid about your body weight?A: More afraid my money bucket.. lol!Q: Favorite snacks?A: a LOT! but for this time, I love the new Chitato flavor.. the green packed one.. It's so yummy! And Pringles : Seaweed.. tastes good! and of course.. NUT!! I'm nut abot nuts!! ;p Q: Aren't you afraid of zit? A: No! I love nut! loll...Q: The food that you love but also hate it? A: Tom Yang Goong!! Argh.. It's so sour.. but also too hot!! Argh.. but I love the seafood.. If there's a chance of non-spicy Tom Yang Goong, please tell me.. lol!Q: Hm... Talking about this things makes my stomach growls..A: Me too. Let's eat! :DLabels: food, QA
Behind the scene..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Q: Why do you make this blog?A: Because it's seems kinda fun..Q: Aren't you feel strange, or afraid people thinks you are nerd, for making this?A: Why? Let me say this.. Just get a life.. People often criticize creativity in the name of logic while the truth they just got bored and got nothing to do..Q: What are we gonna talks about?A: Anything.. Anything I like.. lol!Q: Okaay.. What are you doing right now?A: Hmm.. I'm doing nothing.. Just got stressed out because of my mid-exams..Q: Whoa.. Why?A: Just.. that.. I had learnt, but alas what I've learnt not gotten out, and I didn't prepared for those that got out..lol!Q: What a pity.. And then what did you do?A: Well.. Just leave my paper almost blank.. And then shout out loud.. "GJ...!!"Q: GJ??A: Ah.. never mind.. Just some mild curses.. lol!Q: And how's your mood today?A: Hmm.. Had been better, but not awful.. Thanks to my friends who cheers me up.. lol..Q: What are you gonna do today?A: Just finishing this blog.. Arranging where and when the Gathering of Surabaya Gurl.Me member will be held, and think how will I go home today before 6 pm.. *sigh*Q: What's your favourite quotation for today?A: "Be a child-like but not childish"Labels: welcome
Q: What's this?A: This is my blog! What else? lol!Q: And what is this about??A: my life, my stories, my point of view, my preferences? You can say it the 'All-about-me' blog in interview faceQ: Is this a new idea of blogging?A: Dunno, and none of my concern too.. I just say that this is my first blog that like this, and I don't see any other blog like this..Q: How if someone copying your style of blogging(like this)?A: Just tell me where's the link and I'll be proud that I've made someone else's blog to be like mine.. lol!Q: But how if your blog isn't the first like this?A: Doubt that. lol. But if that's the case, knew it that I'm not copying your ideas. It just came out of my mind since yesterday, and I thought it be cool.Q: And what is this first (or second?) post about?A: FAQ, of course! Well, afterall, it's all about Q&A, but we'll set the topic later, won't we? ;)Q: Do you intend to make a trend?A: Nope! I'm just some girl who got tired of standard blogging.. lolQ: Is this your first blog?A: No and Yes. No, this isn't. It's my.. 3rd blog.. lol! And yes, this is my proudly presenting- english subtitling blog.. ROFL..Q: Who are you?A: Let's ask another question, shall we?Q: Are we done yet?A: Yes. For now. And no, we aren't. There's still a loooooooooooooong way ahead.. lol.Labels: welcome
My World, My view
Holla! Muchas Gracias! And welcome to Mui blog! Just get ready for the brand-new-way of Blogging.. of me! lol! Labels: announcement, welcome